You Probably Have Some Questions, Too…

How It Works


How are interviewees selected?

Some of the people are Sadie’s contacts, colleagues and pals. Some have been recommendations. If you have a suggestion for someone you think would be an interesting interview, submit it here.

Live stream? How does that work?

Plans are for the interviews to be streamed live - as they take place - via YouTube and then archived and available for people to explore at their leisure. The interviewees will join via video chat. Technical difficulties are a real possibility here, so we’ll do our best to mitigate that by testing the connections and sound/video quality in advance. There may be some awkward moments, too.

What technical resources do interviewees need?

Ideally, the interviewees will connect using a web cam and a computer. Not everyone has those, though. It’s okay to use a phone if that’s the only option. Obviously, there’s a need to be online. Folks will get a link inviting them to a chat or another way of joining the interview prior to the scheduled go-live time so there’s an opportunity to address technical challenges.

Can viewers ask questions?

Yes. People can submit in advance, via chat on YouTube, and probably through Twitter. We won’t necessarily get to all of them.

Will the interviews be available after the live stream?

Yes. YouTube archives live streams, and they will be embedded on this site, too.

Can interviewees promote themselves?

YOU BETCHA. Got an event coming up? We’ll share a link to the ticketing. Do you have a Patreon? We’ll plug it. What about an Etsy shop? Uh huh, that too. And links to all the places folks can find and support you online.

Do you have other questions? Reach out, and we’ll get ‘em sorted.


Sample Interview Questions


We’ll start the conversation with you introducing yourself. That’s your name and a little bit about what you do for a living and however you want to describe your place in the world.  The Socially-Distant Networking conversations will be organic, but these are some jumping-off points and will help interviewees get a feel for the types of topics we’ll be covering. 

  • Are you doing what you thought you would when you grew up? 

  • How did you get started doing the thing you do as your primary source of income?

    • Is the thing that you do for your primary source of income your passion or a tool?

    • If it’s a tool, how do you balance your grind with your passion?

  • What’s your favorite word, and why?

  • Describe the most memorable meal you’ve ever eaten.

  • If you had one day left to live, what would you do?

  • What’s your walk-up/arena/theme song, and why? That’s the song you use to rev yourself up when you’re in the spotlight or you need courage.

  • What’s the best advice anyone ever gave you?

  • What are you most proud of? This can be an accomplishment, a possession, your child, etc...

  • Do you have any daily rituals?

  • Do you think that other people see you much differently than you see yourself? If yes, how so?

  • For what in life do you feel most grateful?

  • What seminal experience directly impacted the path you’re on now?

  • What’s the most embarrassing thing that ever happened to you?

  • Describe the piece of art that most inspires you.

  • What book do you recommend, and why?

  • What other jobs have you had?

  • What is your dream project?

  • What is the most challenging project on which you’ve worked? This can be a work, creative, or personal life project.

  • Where is the most inspirational place you’ve visited, and why?

  • Do you consider yourself to be creative?

  • Describe a time that you’ve been rejected. How did that affect your approach/the creative process going forward?

  • What was the first music purchase* you made on your own? What format was it (record, cassette, CD, Napster, iTunes, etc.)?

  • Describe your first live concert (as an attendee). 

  • What’s your personal mantra/motto/slogan?

  • Talk about something you absolutely love that people are surprised to learn you dig.

  • Talk about something new you’re learning right now. What inspired you to learn this?

  • Does your current outfit have pockets? If so, what’s in your pocket?

  • Describe the best pair of shoes you’ve ever worn.

  • Do you have a mentor? If so, describe how you developed a mentoring relationship. 

  • Describe a time you’ve taken a risk, and how it worked out.

  • Who are you looking to for inspiration right now?

  • How do you reset? What recharges your batteries?

  • What do you wish someone had told you when you were young?

  • Is your professional life separated from your personal life? If yes, how do you maintain that? If no, was that a conscious choice, and are there challenges associated with it?